Joy Palmquist picture
Sunset picture

Close Your Eyes

In life we love and sometimes depend
On a child, a parent, a spouse, a friend

The bond is real, no other compares
The souls are one, in all that is shared

Life has a way of shadowing the soul
We rarely give thought, until death takes its toll

"In death do us part," it is certainly a lie
I believe we live on, even after we die

Your hand cannot touch, the skin on my face
But close your eyes and feel my embrace

An embrace so real it will fill your heart
It will keep you from feeling we were ever apart

When times get rough, your heart knows the place
Just close your eyes and picture my face

Never alone are we meant to be
Certainly not you, when you still have me

I will always be with you, both night and day
Now close your eyes, I'm just a thought away

By Joy Palmquist